
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What to Check in a Used Aircraft For Sale

What to Check in a Used Aircraft For Sale

Taking the decision to buy a used aircraft for sale is much harder than taking the same decision for any other used vehicle as you need to make sure that everything is in perfect condition or it will end up in a barn with a lot of dust covering it.

Before you do anything, you need to make sure that you are choosing the right type of aircraft for you. You need to decide what purpose you need the aircraft for because this determines what type you can buy. For example, a sightseeing plane is different from a sport one and a cross country cruiser is much different from a single propeller plane. Make sure you are getting the exact type suitable for your need or you will end up with a big hole in your wallet for something that you will never use.

After you decide what type to buy, you need to search for used aircraft for sale with a good price. You can do this through different places. Start by contacting your airstrip club as they might have some offers for you. Contacting a dealer or a broker could be very useful at that point as the broker usually has his hands on a huge inventory of used aircraft for sale offers so; he or she will be able to get you what you want in seconds.

After you choose an air craft for sale, you need to check every bit of it thoroughly so you can make sure that everything is alright. Start with the hull of the aircraft because it the base of everything. Take a very close look for rust. Rust is the first enemy for any used aircraft for sale, it destroys the aircraft so, make sure that you are purchasing a plane with no rust in it. Take your time to check the hull as the rust may be concealed with new paint job. Make sure that there are no cracks or lose parts in the hull as these things are fatal.

It is very important to check the engine of the used aircraft for dale. Every engine has limited number of flight hours. Make sure you are purchasing a plane with enough flight hours still remaining for the engine or you may need to deduct its price from the total purchase.

Any used aircraft for sale, had at least spend 15 years in the air, make sure that it was well kept during that period. Check the log book see, how frequent the previous owners flew it. Check how frequent it was maintained and when was the last major maintenance job for it. This is very important as good maintenance extends the life span of the air craft. You also need to see if it passed the aviation check or not.

The last thing you need to do in order to purchase a used aircraft for sale is to find good financing for it. There are several places specialized in this and you can find them through aviation club or over the internet.

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